Welcome To Uxbridge Baptist Church
Wherever you are, Wherever you’ve been, You are LOVED and You are WELCOME
Wherever you are, Wherever you’ve been , you are LOVED and you are WELCOME
We are told that Jesus came in the fullness of grace and truth, and at UBC, our goal is to live in His example. And so, we stand in the truth that God has revealed and embody the love that God has demonstrated. We don’t excuse sin, but neither do we isolate sinners – because we are all sinners. Nobody at Uxbridge Baptist Church is perfect but we do believe that through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we are forgiven and redeemed.
“[Jesus] himself bore our sins ‘in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness;’ by his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)
And if we are not perfect, why would we expect you to be? And yet, we do believe that the Bible is God’s Word and therefore has ultimate authority over truth and life. God created life and invites us into a relationship to experience the fullness of what He designed life to be – to experience the fullness of who He is. This is only possible through the abiding love of Jesus Christ. And so, although we will never be perfect, we do strive to be perfect reflections of Jesus Christ.
“I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us” (Philippians 3:12b-14).
And so, we invite you to come with your doubts and your questions, your struggles, and your hurts. Because at UBC, wherever you are, wherever you’ve have been, You are loved and you are welcome!
Join Us This Sunday, or Join our live-stream
10:00 AM @ 231 Brock St W.
Our Story
Welcome to Uxbridge Baptist Church. We are a contemporary, multi-generational church located in the heart of Uxbridge and we are so excited to connect with you. Since 1857, we have been on a journey to follow God and share His love with the community of Uxbridge. And to share God’s love, is to embrace both Truth and Grace – just as Jesus did. We aren’t perfect, and we think that’s okay because it means that you don’t have to be either. Instead, it’s our goal to be an authentic & comfortable community where you are invited to ask questions and find a helping hand for whatever you are going through as we strive to love, follow, serve, share and praise Jesus. In everything, our desire is love God, love our neighbours and make disciples of Jesus. And so wherever you are, wherever you’ve been, you are loved and you are welcome.
A Place for
Are you a family new to Uxbridge looking for programs for your kids? Maybe you’re a new believer who wants to deepen your faith? Or maybe you are just trying to understand what Christianity is all about? Whatever you are looking for, we can help get you there.
Join Us Sundays
10:00 AM @ 231 Brock St. W.
What to Expect
Sermon Series
If it is your first time connecting with us, we are so excited to meet you! Of course, we understand that coming to a new place can be uncomfortable but it is our goal to help you feel at home from the start. Our Sunday Services begin at 10:00 am and incorporate prayer, singing, a teaching from our Lead Pastor Dale Dawson. In addition, we also have kids programs available throughout the service for infants and children.