
You may be asking, “Where will my kids be going on Sundays?”

Please note that all services and programs are currently paused for COVID-19. Below will give you an idea of the opportunities for children that we have offered pre-COVID-19.

PRE-SERVICE: 9:00 am (Oct to Jun)

9:00 am – Sunday school until 9:45 am

Children’s Sunday School gives opportunity for children to learn more about the Bible in fresh and creative ways in a setting that is geared to different ages. There will be memory verses, hands on activities and Bible teaching time.

The rooms are located on the lower level of the church:

Yellow Room – grades 1-4

Nursery Extension – ages 2 to Senior Kindergarten

Purple Room – grades 5-8



NURSERY/PreSchool Praise – Lower level (Nursery). Ages 0-3.5 years.

Nursery provides quality child care during Sunday morning worship services. This allows parents/guardians of young children the opportunity to worship freely, knowing their children are in good hands. PreSchool Praise is an extension of nursery offering some teaching, prayer, snacks and gym time. This is a good transition program preparing children for the next step, Junior Church.

JR CHURCH – Lower level (Orange Room).  Ages 4 & 5.

These children are dismissed after worshipping together as a complete family of God. Each week, the class has a story, craft, snacks and fun activities related to a Bible verse.

KIDS’ CONNECT –  Lower Level (Lower Hall). Grades 1-5.

Kids’ Connect is a time of gathering for our children to study God’s Word in  creative, purposeful & applicable ways, on their own level, while their parents are learning from the message upstairs. Some of the activities for learning include: large & small group times, scripture memorization, bible drills, dramas, learning the Books of the Bible & games.

QUEST – Lower Level (purple room). Grades 6-8. On the 2nd, 4th (5th) Sundays.

Quest on Sundays during the service offers an opportunity for the students of this age to be led in a study at age appropriate level of teaching. It is offered every other week. On the off weeks, the students will be in the service. This is an excellent way to prepare the students for full-time attendance as they become youth age.
