UBC Prayer
Lord, teach us to pray!
In all the gospels this is the only recorded circumstance when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them something and we believe that is an important cue for us. Because prayer is fundamental in the Christian faith, and yet we so often struggle with prayer, and making time for prayer. And therefore, in echo of Luke 11:1 we are spending all of November on the question: what does it mean to be a people, a church of “fervent prayer.” We hope that you will join us in the fullness of this experience.
Lord, Hear our Cry!
A 30-day devotional on prayer found on Youversion by Jack Graham. This is an amazing opportunity to dive into the depths of prayer with your family or some friends. Specifically – for families, it would be great to walk through “Lord, hear our cry” before dinner or another opportunity when you have time set aside to pray together.
Wednesday Night Prayer
At UBC, we have many times within the week where we come together for prayer, and yet we want to highlight specifically prayer on Wednesday Nights. This is already an established time of prayer and yet we are going to double down our efforts as we gather together in person, in the prayer room between 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. There will also be opportunities to join in through zoom.
Unsung Hero Movie Night
Unsung Hero is a true story that follows David Smallbone’s journey of faith and family as he moves his family from Australia to the United States after the collapse of his music company in search of a brighter future. Struggling to make ends meet, the couple soon realise the talents of their children, who go on to become two of the most successful acts in contemporary Christian music. As a church, we are excited to witness the power of prayer through this testimony. We encourage you to come out and bring your friends! The Unsung Hero movie tour is hosted by Life 100.3 and will be at UBC November 9th. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the movie starts at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $5 at the door or $2 for children 12 and under.
Additional Resources
Rightnow Media
Prayer by Michael DeFazio
The Lord’s Prayer: The Pattern by Ioannis Dekas
The Prayer Practice by John Mark Comer
With Christ in the School of Prayer: by Andrew Murray
Moving Mountains: by John Eldredge
Prayer, Does it Make any Difference?: Philip Yancey
UBC Prayer
Lord, teach us to pray!
In all the gospels this is the only recorded circumstance when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them something and we believe that is an important cue for us. Because prayer is fundamental in the Christian faith, and yet we so often struggle with prayer, and making time for prayer. And therefore, in echo of Luke 11:1 we are spending all of November on the question: what does it mean to be a people, a church of “fervent prayer.” We hope that you will join us in the fullness of this experience.
A 30-day devotional on prayer found on Youversion by Jack Graham. This is an amazing opportunity to dive into the depths of prayer with your family or some friends. Specifically – for families, it would be great to walk through “Lord, hear our cry” before dinner or another opportunity when you have time set aside to pray together.
At UBC, we have many times within the week where we come together for prayer, and yet we want to highlight specifically prayer on Wednesday Nights. This is already an established time of prayer and yet we are going to double down our efforts as we gather together in person, in the prayer room between 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. There will also be opportunities to join in through zoom.
Unsung Hero is a true story that follows David Smallbone’s journey of faith and family as he moves his family from Australia to the United States after the collapse of his music company in search of a brighter future. Struggling to make ends meet, the couple soon realize the talents of their children, who go on to become two of the most successful acts in contemporary Christian music. The Unsung Hero movie tour is hosted by Life 100.3 and will be at UBC November 9th. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the movie starts at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $5 at the door or $2 for children 12 and under.
Additional Resources
Rightnow Media
Prayer by Michael DeFazio
The Lord’s Prayer: The Pattern by Ioannis Dekas
The Prayer Practice by John Mark Comer
With Christ in the School of Prayer: by Andrew Murray
Moving Mountains: by John Eldredge
Prayer, Does it Make any Difference?: Philip Yancey